‘Thinking Classroom’ Mathematics

The mathematics program at CMA focuses on conceptual understanding and problem solving; with ‘procedural’ approaches as a last resort.

Students are provided opportunities to collaborate when problem-solving, going beyond procedures to explore mathematical concepts from different perspectives. Student-driven discussion and examples, hands-on activities, “what if” questions, numeric and geometric problems, and interdisciplinary projects provide multiple entry points to a topic, which provides multiple ways for students to develop the curricular competencies in mathematics. We believe that the most successful problem-solving happens when students can share different perspectives and approaches. 

More about ‘Thinking Classrooms’ in BC Math Education

In the Senior School, Math learning targets two distinct kinds of development in students: abstract, rational, and constrained thinking and an independent learning disposition.  In university and other formal learning environments, the confidence to learn some things on one’s own terms is liberating, empowering, and effective.